Sunset of my GDE life
Google Developer Expert (aka GDE) is one of Google Developer eco-system programs.
Google supports developers to learn, spread and encourage all types of tech. GDE program is mainly to support people to help spread, opt in, learn more techs.
Since 2016, I joined GDE Program as GDE Android @ Korea. At 2019, I got 2 more expert title : Kotlin and Google Maps.
Why I decided to join
During 2014 ~ 2016, I already had lots of activities : Blog posting, speeches, sometimes consulting and counselling. At that moment, I thought if there was something good title to represent me, then it would be very helpful for these activities.
When I heard Google was looking for new GDE candidates in Korea, I thought I deserved.
What I did to opt in
I wouldn’t describe this. But you can find some articles relate to this.
I strongly recommend to read this : How to become a GDE
So then
After joining GDE, There was bunch of requests for speech, of course some deliveries was by myself. For first 2 years of GDE, I delivered 40+ speeches and 40+ blog postings. Yeah, I had quite busy days. On day time, I worked and on night time, I prepared speeches all time. Of course, Blog postings : for new tech or I felt tired. Now, I totally did 60+ speeches and 50+ blog postings last 4 years.
What was different on my life
Yeah. GDE changed my life. I got Google IO ticket which I never had it since 2011. Google invited GDEs every year to EU and San Francisco. And Google supports our travel for meet up events also where has lack of experts.
Job Opportunities
My reputation grew higher and higher too.
I got also many many many many LinkedIn message from recruiters. It was about 10 messages every single workday. Some recruiters are from very famous companies that I never had dream before. For job opportunities, I didn’t need to describe about myself. I just said like this : “Dude, I’m Experts Android. It’s some sort of certification from Google”, Then they gave me interview chance or final offer. When I looked for new job, I cannot say it is not. Absolutely, I got some benefits for job offer because of GDE program.
Google supports many developer programs. GDG, DSC, GDE, WTM and so on. During Google IO or particular meet-up, I could meet lots of people. Some peoples became my friends. I’m now based on Singapore, South East Asia. It makes lots of connections on me from other countries : Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Taiwan and so on. If you want to make other dev friends, then Google’s dev programs would be very helpful.
Self Motivation
Just imagine that you spent much time to learn new tech or deep inside. How would you keep doing this? But one of GDE mission is to keep spreading and encouraging dev guys. So I felt like duty of me. I tried to keep learning everything. It was half of myself. Anyway, it worked for me.
Opt out
I’m about to opt out GDE Program on end of March, 2020. I got many benefits enough already. I really appreciate that Google supports to me.
But now I’m not that active person. Android team keep releasing new stuffs. But it is mostly out of my interesting. I’m not sure there is more things to speak what I want. And also I would like to concentrate on my personal life now. Since end of last year, I keep thinking Singapore needed more active and fresh GDE than me. Once you become GDE Singapore, whole SEA area will ask to you to delivery some subjects. Help them please. Apply to GDE Singapore.
Last but not least, It was very happy journey for me. I would opt out from GDE soon. But I will keep standing by Google Developer Communities.
Thanks for all GDG/GDEs and Google DevRel SG/KR team.